Friday, March 25, 2011

Reviews: Amadeus Awad Live in The Music Room - Dubai - Sandisk G4- 1st Of December

Sandisk G4 2010
By Rach April Minä

Amadeus Awad and His Band Made A Musical Breakthrough in our Rock Scene throughout the past Five Months with Amadeus's Radio Active Nightmares Shows. A new concept was in town and a unique series of events took place adding up, one after the other, to the success and reputation of these great musicians.

After The Last Show of the RAN series on November the 19th , The Guys were set off for a Ten-day preparation for a major event abroad. Yes Ladies and Gentlemen , Our Dear Fans and Supporters , Amadeus Awad has pulled it and Our First stop was Dubai. The Band was hosted in The Majestic Hotel - Dubai Towers and "The Sandisk RockNation G4 Series" Event was scheduled to take place on Wednesday December the 1st at The Music Room.

The G4 series of gigs features guitar players  showcasing guitar covers and original material across all genres of guitar playing. THE SANDISK G4 SERIES 1 would feature Four impeccable guitar players that the UAE has to offer. These guys come from different backgrounds and play different genres of music. But what holds them together is the love for the axe. 

Amadeus Awad was considered as: "Our Special Guest For The Night Would Be The One And Only Mr.Amadeus Awad From Lebanon Who Is Easily One Of The Best guitar Players In The Middle Eastern Region. He Would Be Flying In To Do A Special Joe Satriani Tribute On This Night, We Advise You Keep Your Evening Free To Witness This Amazing Guitar Player Rendition A tribute to guitar god, Joe Satriani" Furthermore. The Advertisement for this event took an even higher level as Our event organizer Nik Uzi spread the news all across the country ; Articles were published in all different resources from Newspapers to Magazines like Time Out Dubai - Xpress Magazine – Eplus – Infusion and City Times and Amadeus Awad's photo was published as the Main picture of the ads in all of them. It was A huge Blast to come across these Ads , it was truly a source of pride and excitement!

Now Allow us to share with you this experience through this exclusive review about our trip to Dubai , From our Arrival to The Hotel to The sound check at The Music and Then To The performance itself! The spirit was soaring high! The Flying experience was a first to many of us so you can only imagine the thoughts coming to our minds and the high level of Adrenaline rushing as the time to leave Beirut arrived! We had a safe flight and some big laughs along the way , we certainly enjoyed the entertainment service provided! After being picked up at the airport , we reached the hotel with traces of amazement all over our faces ; As every time we thought we saw the biggest tower ever , comes the next one that would make the previous one look like a small building!! 

The next day , we woke up eager to check out The Music Room as the pictures we saw of it surely made it worthy looking forward to it! We got all the instruments down there and met the sound engineer to get the sound check session started. As the photos being uploaded on the Fan Page would show , the Music Room is definitely an appealing spot , beautifully decorated and fully-equipped with an excellent sound and light system. The Bar is surely a joy to the eye with its spacious and shiny design and huge variety of nicely-arranged bottles.  Now the juicier part of it , The Stage of The Music Room Where the true Beauty lies ; The professional Set of high-quality Hardware. The Guys were thrilled as they plugged their instruments to get the place filled with their own personal vibes! The Marshall JCM 2000 Amps went naturally splendid with Amadeus's Ibanez JS1200 Guitar , Omar Alaywan our Rhythm Guitarist used a British Blackstar amplifier and Marcelino Said Our Bassist used An Ampeg Amplifier , Patrick Stephan Played a Pearl Masters Series.

 Having adjusted everything with the sound engineer , The Band sounded ravishing!  The impressions upon this session were surely satisfactory and All hopes and expectations were high for the night , it was all too promising. What A great start of the day and a greater excitement for the evening to come!
Make sure to check out the Album on the Fan Page under the name of "Music Room Dubai ~ Sound Check By Rach April Minä" on the Following Link:!/album.php?aid=19177&id=107074076024262 

After coordinating all issues related to the performance , we all went to rest and recharge full energy. What was convenient about our stay in Dubai at the time was the fair weather , it was well-balanced and we enjoyed a lot of refreshing cool winds. Thankfully! It's passed 10 pm , The Music Room was packed. The Hall was full of people and musicians from different countries and various cultures and backgrounds. Another arousing aspect of this wonderful experience , being introduced to a whole new elite of people from all across the globe! I was actually wondering what might these people be thinking when they heard us communicating in our native language , for once we knew the feeling of being an Alien in a new country!

And Then it was time for the show , Amadeus Awad - Patrick Stephan - Marcelino Said and Omar Alaywan hit the stage for a set of both Original Materials and Joe Satriani Covers.

Something we know perfectly well back home as Amadeus had already pulled a Joe Satriani Tribute in the Fourth Chapter of his Radio Active Nightmares Shows and it was undoubtedly a huge success , but then it was the time for all the folks at Dubai to absorb the eccentric flavors of Amadeus Awad's Art Work.

Amadeus kicked it off with none other than the "Prologue" , the first original song on the upcoming Album || The Poetry Of Time || , This song is easily described as wide and dynamic in range abounding with neo-classical melodies.  It includes both quiet and loud passages as it starts off with the heavy drum beats then takes a calmer tone through its middle part , creating a surprising element as we await the guitar to kick start again! It certainly worked out the crowd and overwhelmed them all with a true genuine taste of what the Album is all about , The "Prologue" is one eclectic track!

He then softened the mood with a new improvised instrumental under the name of "Purple Heart" . This piece has smoother melodies and a more personal feel into it , Another feature that Amadeus masters in his guitar playing - The Ability to move us in depth with his emotional and expressive notes. Notes that are whispered in our ears like words telling us a profound and intimate story.
Afterwards , it was time for some Joe Satriani , He covered a selection of Three All-Time Major hits of Satriani's. With his Satchurator distortion and Big Bad Wah , Amadeus demonstrated some first-rate Art work beyond all reason.
They performed "The Crush of Love" - "The Mystical Potato Head groove thing" and "Ceremony" , people were astonished and highly aroused ,with their loud cheers, by Amadeus's fantastic fingers working that Axe with the crazy legato runs, extreme whammy bar effects , the two-handed tapping and arpeggio tapping!
I was truly overwhelmed with the audience's reaction as I observed this beautiful interaction between them and the band manifesting , as a result of their first-time impression of these guys' performance. The Set was wrapped with another instrumental , one that has accompanied us from the first chapter ever of the RAN shows , it's among the first improvised instrumentals and it has a lot of fiery moods for the perfect ending.
"Full Moon Murder" is a fast-beat fusional piece with spacey rock sounds standing-out all-through the track. It has a suspense feel created by the heavy use of Suspended chords. It was a Hypnotic Finale!
Make sure to check out the Album on the Fan Page under the name of "Music Room Dubai ~ The Performance by Rach April Minä" on the Following Link: 

The Gig was followed by a gathering between the band and the guests who expressed their fond admiration of the show , Amadeus's masterful playing and the Guys' skillful performance. Pictures were taken and introductions were made as we got to know many musicians of different nationalities. The exchange of various opinions was delightfully advantageous!

We would like to give out a Big Dear Thank you to Nik Uzi our event organizer for making this wonderful opportunity happen and to his Family for the great Laughs we shared , Those Pani Puri we tasted were the cherry on top of the sundae!

and a Special Thank you to The Music Room Management & The Majestic Hotel for their appreciated hospitality! We Can't wait to go back to Dubai!

It is Just The Beginning Ladies and Gentlemen ; Amadeus Awad and the Band are currently preparing for their next stop , as a mini-tour is going to take place in the coming few months around the Middle-East! Stay Tuned and Updated with All the Latest News Through the Official Fan Page:

and Remember! ..  Not Just Music - But An Art Form.

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