Friday, March 25, 2011

Reviews: Amadeus Awad Live in Hamra - Picadelli Center - 18th Of December

Hamra "Christmas Twinkle" Festival 2010
By Rach April Minä

After intensive requests from their fans to perform a gig in Hamra , Amadeus Awad hit the stage of the Picadelli Centre in Hamra Street as part of the Hamra "Chistmas Twinkle" Festival organized by the AUB music club. This Festival was a two-day concert on December the 18th and the 19th and it featured among the best local Lebanese Bands , Amadeus Awad performed on the 18th and what was exquisitely refreshing to us all is the sight of the number of fans who sticked around and who came exclusively to catch the guys Rockin' that stage as always! The Band had prepared for their audience a mixture of Original materials and Deep-Puprle's Favorite covers. 

They Started-off with "Full Moon Murder" which is a fast-beat fusional piece with spacey rock sounds standing-out all-through the track.
Amadeus performed this Instrumental with a true suspence feel created by the heavy use of Suspended chords.

And Then "Prologue" , This piece worked people's appetite for some beautiful neo-classical melodies played throughout both quiet and loud passages. This instrumental starts off heavier with those powerful drum beats to take a calmer tone through its middle as all goes mute with only the keyboard providing a dim background until the guitar kicks off again after a few quiet seconds , What A track! The audience cheered its exciting and esoteric mood.

And then "Time" follows it immediately with a keyboard solo as intro , paving the way for the vocals to begin.. Elia Che sang those intricate lyrics softly yet powerfully with some high pitches on the first part and then calming the mood down on the second part with a series of whispered-like vocal lines.

"Time" is an emotional operatic piece , a soothing breather after the heavy guitar playing in "Prologue". And The instrumental piece "Perpetual Voyage" had then concluded the first part of this enthralling set as the masterful continuity of "Prologue" and "Time" , It's a beautifully passionate piece so fusional and full of entangled sounds in its long composition. Amadeus played with great feel , at some point this track took an accelerated tone , the mood was progressive at its best , and some great fretting was exhibited. The crowd was cheering and the spirit was on fire , everyone was enjoying the show and it was all flowing smoothly.

The last two songs of the Act were the All-time classics "Soldier Of Fortune" and "When A blind Man Cries" where Elia Che excelled with an impressive , emotional and heart-felt singing ,combined with Amadeus's own Occult touch to the songs it was all in all a Skilfull , talented and Genius Show!   We would like to thank everyone who participated in the making of this event and for all the people who spread the word about it , it was a true blast!  

Stay Tuned to Amadeus Awad's latest news and updates through: 

Not Just Music - But An Art Form

Reviews: Amadeus Awad Live in The Music Room - Dubai - Sandisk G4- 1st Of December

Sandisk G4 2010
By Rach April Minä

Amadeus Awad and His Band Made A Musical Breakthrough in our Rock Scene throughout the past Five Months with Amadeus's Radio Active Nightmares Shows. A new concept was in town and a unique series of events took place adding up, one after the other, to the success and reputation of these great musicians.

After The Last Show of the RAN series on November the 19th , The Guys were set off for a Ten-day preparation for a major event abroad. Yes Ladies and Gentlemen , Our Dear Fans and Supporters , Amadeus Awad has pulled it and Our First stop was Dubai. The Band was hosted in The Majestic Hotel - Dubai Towers and "The Sandisk RockNation G4 Series" Event was scheduled to take place on Wednesday December the 1st at The Music Room.

The G4 series of gigs features guitar players  showcasing guitar covers and original material across all genres of guitar playing. THE SANDISK G4 SERIES 1 would feature Four impeccable guitar players that the UAE has to offer. These guys come from different backgrounds and play different genres of music. But what holds them together is the love for the axe. 

Amadeus Awad was considered as: "Our Special Guest For The Night Would Be The One And Only Mr.Amadeus Awad From Lebanon Who Is Easily One Of The Best guitar Players In The Middle Eastern Region. He Would Be Flying In To Do A Special Joe Satriani Tribute On This Night, We Advise You Keep Your Evening Free To Witness This Amazing Guitar Player Rendition A tribute to guitar god, Joe Satriani" Furthermore. The Advertisement for this event took an even higher level as Our event organizer Nik Uzi spread the news all across the country ; Articles were published in all different resources from Newspapers to Magazines like Time Out Dubai - Xpress Magazine – Eplus – Infusion and City Times and Amadeus Awad's photo was published as the Main picture of the ads in all of them. It was A huge Blast to come across these Ads , it was truly a source of pride and excitement!

Now Allow us to share with you this experience through this exclusive review about our trip to Dubai , From our Arrival to The Hotel to The sound check at The Music and Then To The performance itself! The spirit was soaring high! The Flying experience was a first to many of us so you can only imagine the thoughts coming to our minds and the high level of Adrenaline rushing as the time to leave Beirut arrived! We had a safe flight and some big laughs along the way , we certainly enjoyed the entertainment service provided! After being picked up at the airport , we reached the hotel with traces of amazement all over our faces ; As every time we thought we saw the biggest tower ever , comes the next one that would make the previous one look like a small building!! 

The next day , we woke up eager to check out The Music Room as the pictures we saw of it surely made it worthy looking forward to it! We got all the instruments down there and met the sound engineer to get the sound check session started. As the photos being uploaded on the Fan Page would show , the Music Room is definitely an appealing spot , beautifully decorated and fully-equipped with an excellent sound and light system. The Bar is surely a joy to the eye with its spacious and shiny design and huge variety of nicely-arranged bottles.  Now the juicier part of it , The Stage of The Music Room Where the true Beauty lies ; The professional Set of high-quality Hardware. The Guys were thrilled as they plugged their instruments to get the place filled with their own personal vibes! The Marshall JCM 2000 Amps went naturally splendid with Amadeus's Ibanez JS1200 Guitar , Omar Alaywan our Rhythm Guitarist used a British Blackstar amplifier and Marcelino Said Our Bassist used An Ampeg Amplifier , Patrick Stephan Played a Pearl Masters Series.

 Having adjusted everything with the sound engineer , The Band sounded ravishing!  The impressions upon this session were surely satisfactory and All hopes and expectations were high for the night , it was all too promising. What A great start of the day and a greater excitement for the evening to come!
Make sure to check out the Album on the Fan Page under the name of "Music Room Dubai ~ Sound Check By Rach April Minä" on the Following Link:!/album.php?aid=19177&id=107074076024262 

After coordinating all issues related to the performance , we all went to rest and recharge full energy. What was convenient about our stay in Dubai at the time was the fair weather , it was well-balanced and we enjoyed a lot of refreshing cool winds. Thankfully! It's passed 10 pm , The Music Room was packed. The Hall was full of people and musicians from different countries and various cultures and backgrounds. Another arousing aspect of this wonderful experience , being introduced to a whole new elite of people from all across the globe! I was actually wondering what might these people be thinking when they heard us communicating in our native language , for once we knew the feeling of being an Alien in a new country!

And Then it was time for the show , Amadeus Awad - Patrick Stephan - Marcelino Said and Omar Alaywan hit the stage for a set of both Original Materials and Joe Satriani Covers.

Something we know perfectly well back home as Amadeus had already pulled a Joe Satriani Tribute in the Fourth Chapter of his Radio Active Nightmares Shows and it was undoubtedly a huge success , but then it was the time for all the folks at Dubai to absorb the eccentric flavors of Amadeus Awad's Art Work.

Amadeus kicked it off with none other than the "Prologue" , the first original song on the upcoming Album || The Poetry Of Time || , This song is easily described as wide and dynamic in range abounding with neo-classical melodies.  It includes both quiet and loud passages as it starts off with the heavy drum beats then takes a calmer tone through its middle part , creating a surprising element as we await the guitar to kick start again! It certainly worked out the crowd and overwhelmed them all with a true genuine taste of what the Album is all about , The "Prologue" is one eclectic track!

He then softened the mood with a new improvised instrumental under the name of "Purple Heart" . This piece has smoother melodies and a more personal feel into it , Another feature that Amadeus masters in his guitar playing - The Ability to move us in depth with his emotional and expressive notes. Notes that are whispered in our ears like words telling us a profound and intimate story.
Afterwards , it was time for some Joe Satriani , He covered a selection of Three All-Time Major hits of Satriani's. With his Satchurator distortion and Big Bad Wah , Amadeus demonstrated some first-rate Art work beyond all reason.
They performed "The Crush of Love" - "The Mystical Potato Head groove thing" and "Ceremony" , people were astonished and highly aroused ,with their loud cheers, by Amadeus's fantastic fingers working that Axe with the crazy legato runs, extreme whammy bar effects , the two-handed tapping and arpeggio tapping!
I was truly overwhelmed with the audience's reaction as I observed this beautiful interaction between them and the band manifesting , as a result of their first-time impression of these guys' performance. The Set was wrapped with another instrumental , one that has accompanied us from the first chapter ever of the RAN shows , it's among the first improvised instrumentals and it has a lot of fiery moods for the perfect ending.
"Full Moon Murder" is a fast-beat fusional piece with spacey rock sounds standing-out all-through the track. It has a suspense feel created by the heavy use of Suspended chords. It was a Hypnotic Finale!
Make sure to check out the Album on the Fan Page under the name of "Music Room Dubai ~ The Performance by Rach April Minä" on the Following Link: 

The Gig was followed by a gathering between the band and the guests who expressed their fond admiration of the show , Amadeus's masterful playing and the Guys' skillful performance. Pictures were taken and introductions were made as we got to know many musicians of different nationalities. The exchange of various opinions was delightfully advantageous!

We would like to give out a Big Dear Thank you to Nik Uzi our event organizer for making this wonderful opportunity happen and to his Family for the great Laughs we shared , Those Pani Puri we tasted were the cherry on top of the sundae!

and a Special Thank you to The Music Room Management & The Majestic Hotel for their appreciated hospitality! We Can't wait to go back to Dubai!

It is Just The Beginning Ladies and Gentlemen ; Amadeus Awad and the Band are currently preparing for their next stop , as a mini-tour is going to take place in the coming few months around the Middle-East! Stay Tuned and Updated with All the Latest News Through the Official Fan Page:

and Remember! ..  Not Just Music - But An Art Form.

Reviews: Amadeus Awad Live In Radio Active Nightmares IV - Special Tribute To Joe Satriani - 13th Of October

Radio Active Nightmares RAN - Chapter IV
 By Rach April Minä

October is among the most awaited months of the year , For it has Its own spirit and Vibes , its own colors and hues and especially for its Autumnal Moods.We haven't been much lucky about the weather but the winds did blow on the night of the 13th as Amadeus Awad's Radio Active Nightmares rose again forthe fourth month to bring us all together under the same roof with its spellbinding sounds and its personal Autumnal touch, At the Quadrangle Pub where theFirst RAN Show Took Place.

The RAN show's concept speaks for itself by now as its reputation is spread widely and its success is continuously increasing one time after the other , as well as the variety of each musical performance. RAN IV included Opening Acts for the first time , after the great appearance of our Special guestPaul Numi in RAN II. The Other Big title of the night was "A Tribute to Joe Satriani" .
 It was an extraordinary musical evening , and Certainly A Dream coming true as it was an honor to Cover The Guitar Master we all admire.
The Quadrangle was fully-Packed! More than a Hundred Fans and Friends showed their loyal support and Big Enthusiasm quite as we expected!Unfortunately,Due to some local circumstances,A lot of people failed to reach the roads leading to the pub.However, that certainly wasn't an obtsacle as the Audience was A true Delight , cheering and enjoying all the way!

Starting of with our first Opening Act,The Alternative Rock Band Plugged.

Plugged Blends Rock, Alternative and Acoustics.They offered the crowd an entertaining live performance ,which they're known for,with our favorite alternative tunes.They Played cover songs for bands like Alter bridge,3 doors down, maroon 5 , Stone Sour and Much More, Songs Like "Home" By Daughtry and "Break even" By The script.
They Also have their own orignals , among which "Changes" stands out the most along with another original performed that nigh called "Thank you".
Looking Forward to hearing more of these guys as Rabii's warm voice , Omar's skillful playing and Mhammad's beats are truly catchy!And they have a new list of songs coming up as well as Originals being recorded.All The support guys!

Moving on to the second Opening Act , April.

April is a new vocalist stepping into our music scene . She Got the opportunity to make her debut Apprearance as part of The opening Act in RAN IV as to make her first interactions with the stage and the Audience. She was accompanied by Amadeus Awad on his Euphoria Guitar, The Ambiance was medieval as She covered Apocalyptica and Blackmore's Night Songs.Initiating her Act with "faraway Vol.2" by Apocalyptica and then completed her Set with All-time Hits "Wish you were here" , "Ghost Of A Rose" and "Diamonds And Rust".She got a lot of encouragement from the Audience , It was an interesting experience for her.April is forming her band and is currently working on her repertoire which inlcudes both covers and originals.Stay Tuned for more info and news to come!

Reaching for the Main Act of our night, Amadeus Awad and His great musicians , These people are at the top of their game , Each playing his instrument masterly with an impressive background of experience in the music scene :

Patrick Stephan on Drums
Marcelino Said on Bass
Charles Sawma on Keyboards
And a Special Appearance By Omar Alaywan On guitar for the "Joe Satriani" tribute.

Amadeus Awad is a Guitar Phenomenon , One with never-ending progression and artistry beyond Borders. He evolves as the days pass by as his imagination,ambition and Hard work never seize to develop. He brings us his Radio Active Nightmares , with his talents and emotions , all expressed through his distinguished fingers and facial interactions.

Amadeus declared the opening of his Act with the Fusional sounds of his "Prologue" , The First Original song on his upcoming Album || The Poetry Of Time ||We now await this song as it captured our attention with its Neo-Classical Beats since we Heard it at Rockin' the woods and Later on at RAN III.What is felicitous about the Prologue is its Ability to deliver a precise taste of the general mood of the Album , which rises the Thrill and curiosity aboutthe rest of the songs on the Album. A Musical Masterpiece is coming our way soon - Expect A Concept like no other - And Symphonic melodies Never Heard before.

And then The Radio Active Nightmares were prevailed ; For all those who have read my reviews about the previous RAN shows , you're a lot familiar with the atmosphere created by Amadeus with his improvisational Acts. His musical nightmares decorate our hearing , as they have never failed to satisfy both our expectation and anticipation. Amadeus reaches the peak of a surreal emotional state once his fingers touch his strings and he shares with us this Dreamytrip so generously.
 Each Of Patrick , Marcelino and Charles make sure to flow with the mood and theme Amadeus is projecting and thats the Beauty of it ,they provide the melody and Amadeus excells with his creativity. This Fusional Art work is unique in nature as it never falls into repetition , So taken awayby the depth of the music , One would forget oneself and surrender to the sounds!

The Night had reached its final part : it was Joe Satriani Time , The tribute to the guitar Icon - The music Genius and Huge Inspiration to all Music Lovers in the world.It is worth admitting that What Amadeus Awad and his Band showed us through this tribute is highly daring as it was the first of its kind around here.Using his Red Glowing Satriani's guitar "JS1200" with his Satchurator distortion and Big Bad Wah , Amadeus managed to pull every possible emotion out of hissix strings!

It was a true Triumph as he did it all, We had our dosage of the Joe Satriani's Styles to the fullest , from the crazy legato runs, extreme whammy bar effects to the two-handed tapping and arpeggio tapping , there were moments where the guitar was literally speaking to us in all possible languages of sound. JS is known for his spacy-like ambiance , Amadeus was as eccentric in his perofrmance - adding to the mix his own far out vibes. We were indeed "Surfing with the Alien". It was sensational!
I tell you my friends , The performance was flawless ,All the efforts paid-off as They've done it beautifully - It was stupefying! I can remember vividly the looks on people's face ; and here lies one of Amadeus's marvelous Secrets , The ability to make us close our eyes and Sail away on his impassioned notes.And That's one Of Radio Active Nightmares Main characteristics! That's what It's all about , to fill the place we're at with Magic - Adventure and Musical Fulfillment.

Amadeus Covered the following All-time Hits by Joe Satriani:
- Ceremony.
- Love Thing.
- Always With you Always with me.
- The Mystical Potato Head Groove Thing.
- The Crush of Love.

Sweet Flavors of Different Tunes and Moods - It was highly impressive to the the fans and lived up to the new-comers expectations as we had plenty of new guests that night.
It was undeniably an enthralling Event , Another intriguing Chapter Of Radio Active Nightmares!We would like to thank All the Attendees and guests who made it that night , for their Encouraging presence!

November hides Big News that are yet to be revealed , Stay Updated on The New official Fan Page with Amadeus Awad's Latest News and Events :

-Not Just Music, But An Art Form -

Reviews: Amadeus Live in Radio Active Nightmares - 13th Of September

Radio Active Nightmares RAN - Chapter III
By Rach April Minä

When September Rolls around that means just one thing there in Lynchburg Tennessee ... Jack Daniel's Birthday . However, The Day and even The Year remain unknown. In the Windy Town of Brummana , When 13th September arrived , That meant a Whole new Chapter of Amadeus Awad's Awaited Radio Active Nightmares Show.Sitting on top of a pine-forested Hill , Over-looking Beirut and the Mediterranean coast , This Beautiful resfreshing town offered us the right ambiatic imageries to get in the mood for the show that was about to take place!When we say Brummana Pubs , The first thing that comes to mind is none other than Cheers Club , where Radio Active Nightmares Show was hosted. It was RAN all over again , for the third month in a row , Back with a new Chapter ,,, And an exquisite new twist and Surprising Fresh Materials.

Amadeus had definitly added peculiar flavors to RAN III , as his improvisational performance was influenced by the Styles of the Legendaries Joe Satriani , Steve Vai and  Steve Morse.
This Experimental Fusional Rock Show was a display of Technical excellence and genuine creativity as Amadeus excelled in exhibiting both with his Deep imaginative Tricks and Touches.The themes of this night were totally assorted from others , From a lighter funkier mood to heavier symphonic melodies.The music was a combination of originals as well as improvised instrumentals. 
You would clearly feel the difference as the music varied vividly in genre and style.
RAN has also become known as a set of Musical colors and Sounds .. The thought is that It springs from the spirits of oriental beats and fuses with Dark progressive moods.

In this Artistic Musical frame , the picture isnt utterly completed without the right musicians to complement it and perfect the outcome.
Featuring the Full-line up , his brothers in life and partners in music :

- Patrick Stephan on Drums
- Marcelino Said on Bass
- Charles Sawma on Keyboards

They have put on an amazing show together!
It was , with no exaggeration , drop dead impressive, There is really no easy way to say this but These guys have caused musical wonders , and Amadeus has never seized to dazzle his audience..It was obviously remarkable the way heads were moving , eyes were closing and minds were dreaming .. Our entire bodies were reacting and here lies the beauty of this show , its ability to keep all attendees seated in their places undesiring to move an inch away from the stage . Not a note played passes unmeaningfully. Everyone was observing the way these musicians were passionately playing and a mutual interaction was manifesting beautifully . Amadeus's musicis an invitation for our imagination to dwell on his "Radio Active Nightmares".

This Band takes us on a fantasy and I quote : " Progressive rock bands sometimes used 'concept albums that made unified statements, usually telling an epic story or tackling a grand overarching theme'  "
Thats the purpose of this music and what they have successfully achieved so far ; Generally in the improvised instrumentals and more specifically and exclusively in the originals from the Upcoming Debut Album "The Poetry Of Time".Amadeus tells us mysterious tales through his improvisations and creates more of a spacial atmosphere with the use of his Ibanez JS1200 .
The highlight of the show was the way Amadeus used his whammy bar, it was so unorthodox and it has produced very unusual sounding dives and screams. 
At other points , the speed of his finger reached an unforeseen state , I have never seen fingers working those strings like grease lightning before! It was like wildfire!

It is worth mentioning that the feedbacks we got, while the event was taking place and afterwards ,  were indeed splendid and beyond satisfaction.The reputation of Amadeus's Shows speaks for itself and for the ones who attended for the first time, the credibility of his work and its authenticity was most certainly confirmed. Sincerity ; devotion and truthfulness are among the Big titles to qualify what this band is all about.

This Set includes both originals from the Album Such As the Fusional progressive tracks "Prologue" and "The Inside" ; And improvised instrumentals whose themes have become adapted and popular among listeners after many performances.
Among The songs performed , we have grown familiar with All the following :

- Prologue
 - Silent Moon
- Manifestation
- Radio Active Nightmares
- Horizontal Scan
 -Meteors In The Blue
- The Inside

- La Soledad
It was the Third song performed and it is originally a beautiful Classical cello Piece re-orchestrated and adapted by Amadeus. Now that was an unexpected yet befitting Touch that painted the night with swingy feel.

- Outro
This last song was a First-time improvised instrumental, where Amadeus used flawless double hand tapping techniques with which Amadeus has made his massive closure. What a stupefying Ending! It has certainly left us longing for more.

Amadeus has accustomed his audience with highly professional and luxurious equippement and hardware to provide the best sound system there is.

The Performance all in all was heart-stirring and Take my word when I say that Everyone that witnessed this event feels the exact same!
I would like to send out a Warm Special "Thank You" for all True friends , fans and regular attendees for their continuous support.Expect Big Announcements to come about a One-of-A kind Surprising Event in October ... When Autumn would have surrounded us with its georgous Hues.

Stay updated with Amadeus's Latest News.
See You all Soon.

- Not Just Music, But An Art Form -

Reviews: Amadeus Awad Live @ Rockin' The Woods 2010 - 27th/29th of August

Rockin' The Woods 2010
By Rach April Minä

Shining Sun , Cold night Breeze , Fresh Air , Spacious Green Forests.. What could be better than a 3-Day Get Away into Nature and It's Welcoming Landscapes and Refreshing Elements.The Mere Idea of a camping immediately gives birth to a deep desire to go back to nature and embrace it ..Add to that a Big Musical festival , what might the outcome be? A divine combination of Music and Nature , A one-of-a-kind Experience in Lebanon , It's No other than Rockin' The Woods Festival!
E.M Management in collaboration with NRJ successfully presented this 3 days camping festival in the amazing valley of Chbanieh on August the 27th - 28th and 29th.30 Local Bands participated , Each representing a different style and a personal unique show , Merging Rock - Reggae - Alternative - Psychedelic - Trip-Hop - Experimental , Metal and Extreme.This Event was rejuvenating , The Idea was a true change and a break of habits and it was executed at the best professional standards possible.

The Location was just what we all needed , a true escape from the city - a Remedy to our worries , This inspiring environment cleared our minds from all our responsibilities to purely enjoy its beauty.As it was an animal friendly festival , a lot were encouraged to bring their dogs along , it surely added the right spirit as they have put a smile on everybody's face with their furry jumpy figures. The Rules and conditions were firmly applied to preserve the safety of the attendees , and the cleanliness of our environment.

 Major Facilities were available on site from delicious food and drinks at very reasonable prices to restrooms and Parking Areas as well as very stylish and appealing Merchandises and Accessories.RTW was organized with full coverage of all necessities and aspects required ; Along with the perfect choice of location and various offerings &outdoor Facilities , comes the Technical factor of the event.The Stage was tremendous and fully-equipped to please both our sight and hearing at once, to the fullest. Looking at it built in the middle of the woods surrounded with the glorious green trees , truly makes a person astonished. The Bands Had the time of their life performing there!

The Light system was admirable and fascinatingly coordinated to accessorize the Musical performance as the songs vary. What a colorful taste!And the Sound system... This is where the Impressive success lies , From the High-quality hardware to the superb sound mixing. Highly Professional Work.The stage crew was full-heartedly dedicated to make sure everything was adjusted correctly to answer the bands' needs and demands.In addition to the two Big Screens situated on Both Sides of the stage where the creative video shooting was projected - what a Dazzling Staff , All teams working on all technical features are worthy of a standing ovation.

As it was expected and awaited , Amadeus Awad was among the major artists performing in this festival.August have been a packed Month of events for him and RTW was the cherry on top of the sundae with which he wrapped-up strikingly.Along with his Full Line-Up for the first time in a while now :

Patrick Stephan on Drums
Marcelino Said on Bass
Charles Sawma on Keyboards

These artists are considered among the best in what they do , and they prove themselves one time after the other with their marvelous performances .Each one of them knows how to work his instrument to give out the most inspiring sounds , They play with love and great passion as well as experience and Hard work. Talent? Innate within them , These musicians breathe their music. And they do love to share it with their fans and all music lovers.

At RTW , Amadeus Awad and his Musicians carried out a fusion act of improvisational hits and a couple of songs from his Upcoming debut Album "The Poetry Of Time".A lot of us have become accustomed to the psychedelic moods and trippy sounds Amadeus started adapting in his recent events - Ever since, it became more of a must and a need to be fulfilled musically each time he performs.Opening his act with The First song of the Album , the prologue of the story , where it all begins - it has definitely established a magical start with its Modern Neoclassical atmosphere and indulging beats. What a masterpiece!Moving
on with more acclimatized improvisational melodies , ones we became attached to :

- Silent Moon
- Horizontal Scan
- Meteors In The Blue

These instrumentals are a representation of originality and creativity , for each time seems like the first time , Amadeus Awad's music breathes new life into our soul through his experimental artistic tunes , it affects the mind into creating vivid visions of one's thoughts as we all tend to close our eyes while perceiving these rich notes.

The Closing song was the second original from the Album. "The Inside" was a smashing hit as Amadeus's fingers rocked that Flat board to produce the best in progressive Art rock.They say the best comment is not to comment. And we surely tend to get so speechless and overwhelmed with his brilliant melodies that no words do any justice!

On The third and Last day of this festival , Amadeus Awad was asked to jam with :

Bassem Daibess on Vocals
Tony Abi Haidar on Drums
Rabih Daibess on Guitar
Marcelino Said on Bass

An all-star jam that entertained us with a couple of Classic Deep Purple songs , what a show!They thrilled us with " Mistreated" and "When A Blind Man Cries" , on this one Bassem's voice excelled with great affection.Yet Before these two hits , the first song we heard was an improvisation by Amadeus , one he came up with on the spot where Bassem sang along - A blasting Tune that everyone thought was a song ,It was pure spontaneity as they haven't agreed on anything , Amadeus dreamt away on his Jem 7V WH and asked Bassem to sing along and he pulled it off in no time , How unsurprisingly momentous.and At Last , The felicitous ending to this splendid Festival was an improvised instrumental piece by Amadeus on his glowing JS1200. This one was on a funkier tone and mood than the first one. A Bottle of Champagne was opened slightly before he ended his act for the celebration of the Big success.

It was a mind-blowing and Breath-taking Musical Festival, RTW 2010 was a Blast on all levels - The Only complaint was about the attendance , the expectancy was High , The Outcome was relatively low .Some might have unfortunate reasons that prevented their attendance - Others might have different kinds of reasons - It's Their loss that's for sure - I say let's praise the fans and Music Lovers and supporters who lived this experience and enjoyed every moment of it - These are the ones worth caring for and we can only hope for the better next time!A Big round of Applause goes to the organizers of this Event - all Teams involved - You made a very proud step towards a higher level and standards of Rock Music Events.Looking forward for the coming ones!

September is just around the corner , and it has a couple of anticipating events by Amadeus Awad and His musicians planned for our musical delight.We Rocked The woods , and Soon we will be Rocking Lebanon entirely one event after the other as each one will be taking place in a differently located venue. Each Time a new area will be ravaged by the Infectious Tunes of Amadeus's vast imagination - Stay updated with his latest news and posts!
Not Just Music - But an Art Form.
Cheers Everyone!

Reviews: Amadeus Awad Live @ LYC's Chapter I Concert - 14th of August

Chapter I Concert
By Rach April Minä 

The Past weekend was certainly a strenuous one for Amadeus Awad as He had two consecutive appearances to attain and The word Success comes to mind at once as he was able to pull them both off as expected. After his Radio Active Nightmares Show At the EM Chill on Friday The 13th (Check Review in the official Fan's Page) ,
Amadeus and His musicians Rocked the stage of "The Lebanese Order Of Physicians" (Beit El Tabib) Theater at Furn El Chebek on Saturday the 14th with another performance - And a Different Taste.

Chapter I is an event organized by The Lebanese Youth Center LYC -This particular event carries a significant meaning to these guys and to many others as they aimed to achieve a purpose they believe in - that is to provide their audience a decent music concert covering all aspects and necessities that one would require in an eco-friendly spirit - They Called it Chapter I in the hope that it would mark a new beginning-in other words , it was A Seated, Air-Conditioned Event.There was Absolutely No Smoking Inside The Concert Hall. The intention was to enjoy high quality music at its best for the sake of music itself in a comfortable environment for all Music lovers of all ages.

Chapter I Featured 4 Bands And A Surprise Final Act.
In Order Of Appearance :
- Amadeus Awad , One Of The Best Guitar Players In The Middle East playing his Original Progressive Art-Rock Material.
- Hezbel taleta , The Unusual Electronic trip/ Rock band with an experimental set of their orignals.
- Synergy , Covering The Best Classic Rock And Modern Heavy Metal Music.
- Mute , A Modern Rising Band playing both covers and Originals.

The venue was well-chosen and the stage was spacious as every musician felt at ease around his instrument , It was technically superb as it was fully-equipped with the best hardwares such as Marshall and Ashdown Amplifiers and Most noticeably the huge Tama drum set equipped with a large amount of Sabian cymbals - The audience was enjoying delightfully an exquisite sound quality going through a Martin Audio sound system - Everything was mixed on an LS9 Yamaha mixer .
Amazingly colorful Light system, setting the varying mood throughout all performances with beautiful effects. All in all , The stage was well-arranged , projecting a very professional Organization. The Photos taken for this event show it best!These dedicated guys pulled an incredible job!
Such a Display calls out for An artist to complement it , to give it its value and to show us what it's worth by working that stage appropriately. As he has been titled with "Guitar Expert" , Amadeus never seizes to entertain us with his creativity.

Accompanied with :

Charles Sawma on Keyboards
Marcelino Said on Bass
Tony Abou Haidar on Drums

These Musicians blew minds away with their material - Normally fans would attend specifically to watch Amadeus and His musicians at their own singular events - As this event hosted multiple bands ,it included a different selection of attendees -thus, Some were watching These Guys for the very first time - The Feedback was " A great Experience" . Their performance is qualified with individuality and uniqueness , especially after their appearance just the night before- Amadeus filled the atmosphere with Fresh Sounds and new beats - It was improvisational as well , yet a relatively varied mood and different themes - it combined elements of Metal music and versified sub-genres ; offering a wide-range of experiences to the audience ; which brings us to a drift in the pattern Amadeus made as he dedicated a part of his act to play a more familiar psychedelic tune - For the ones who attended one of his Radio Active Nightmares Show ,you would agree that it was a must for all these new listenners to have a somehow brief glance of that experimental trip.
Their performance is an Art form , not just music , as it is both visually and audibly fulfilling.

Next Hezbel ltaleta came along with an exquisite show- This band isn't your average kind of bands as they have their own world where original sounds and effects manifest.They are known for their experimental jam and during Chapter I , they gave us a taste of their own original instrumentals.
Their music is a mixture of electronic beats and Rocking sounds. This blend renders their act far-out and uncommon.Not everyone would identify with this genre as it is out-of-the ordinary ; Hence , this band stood out among others and opened up new gates for the audience!

third in line , Synergy hit the stage with an unbelievable exciting spirit as they were enthusiastic to interact with the attendees with some of the best heavy metal covers.Ranging from Black Sabbath , Deep Purple , Helloween ,Iron Maiden , Judas Priest , Queensryche , Skid Row to Rainbow, Stratovarius and Yngwie Malmsteen.
These guys covered the classics we love and worked their crowd accordingly!

And Last but never least, Mute wrapped up the event with a medley of alternative and heavy metal songs covering Bullet For My Valentine, Disturbed, Korn, Metallica, Rammstein, Slipknot, And System Of A Down.This band proved to be full of future potentials - after they performed some of their originals.Not to mention their circle of fans cheering them for support.

The Final surprise act was a tribute for the honorable Ronnie James Dio , The passing artist of great renown.Synergy made a special dedication along with Amadeus Awad on his guitar with their performance of "Stars", in addition to a big screen decorating the stage where a DVD for Dio was projected.

Chapter I also organized a lottery Draw upon which two lucky ticket holders would win a music instrument each from Mozart Chahine Music Stores as they offered a long list of instruments to choose from.
Souha Hammidi & Elie Lotfi were the holders of the winning tickets, Congratulations Folks!

Moreover, don't Forget to catch Amadeus Awad and his full band line-up at his third event for this month , at Rockin' The Woods festivals with a surprising act that will reveal a part of his upcoming Debut Album and give us a glimpse of what to expect and await. Don't miss out on this inspiring exceptional Adventure!
See You All There!

Reviews: Amadeus Awad and Paul Numi Live In Radio Active Nightmares - 13th of August

Radio Active Nightmares RAN - Chapter II
By: Rach April Minä

Friday the 13th - A Day which superstition claims to be a day of bad luck. A superstition that holds numerous theories behind it.To some It's a cursed day , To others It's a lucky day .. To Amadeus Awad , It's the key to unlock his Radio Active Nightmares and an invitation for us to be entwined with them.
RAN - the Show was back for a second act on Friday the 13th 2010 at the EM Chill Pub. Only This Time , A special Guest joined the ride to add his own special touch to this spiritual Odyssey.

Introducing the Opening Act of the 2sd Chapter of RAN , The Flemish Pop Rock Star Paul Numi set the night in motion with his Acoustic performance.Paul Numi isn't your average rock artist - He leads a balanced lifestyle between his career as an executive in a major multinational company and his passion for Music.'Keep Dreaming!' is his epigram and dreaming was certainly what we did while he was rocking on his guitar those catchy tunes , giving us a distinguished taste of Britpop.He entertained us with a set of songs from his upcoming album (yet to be released) - Among which Amadeus Joined him on Lead Guitar with his Ibanez JS1200 guitar.This Rock Star really knows how to fulfill our hearing with his utmost voice and the sounds of his Martin Acoustic guitar.What is noticeable about Paul is his choice of wardrobe - a suit and tie combination - projecting a very chic and distinctive look .However, Let's not be taken away by this classic outfit - Paul 's friendliness showed his beautiful spirit as he interacted constantly with the audience. He called upon them to sing along with him , to put their hands together for claps.He also introduced each song with smiles and familiar talks. He wrapped-up his spectacle with an exclusive dedication to Lebanon and Its people with a song called "Get Up".We are surely looking forward to the release of his new album!

Having the mood set properly , Amadeus Awad and His selected musicians hit the stage for their anticipated appearance.As it is an improvisational act , questions and wonderings are drawn on our faces waiting for these strings to unfold those nightmares.That's one of the things that characterizes this event - this mystery that surrounds it.Moreover ,it is worth noting that Improvisational acts tend to be risky as the artist might fall into repetition ; However , that's not the case whatsoever with Amadeus Awad and his refined musicians. They proved themselves one more time as original and creative as well as highly harmonious with each other. This show featured :

Vik Bajak On Bass Guitar.
Patrick Stephan On Drums.
Charles Sawma On Keybords.

These artists put together are a reflection of true musicians and Amadeus's music is a true inspiration to many as he worked his guitars with great passion and talent blending different genres in an experimental set of psychedelic sounds -Spiritual eastern sounds portrayed with a Dark side - the music got in a blue funk at some point and then much heavier at others - depending on the pattern the band was following.Amadeus has a strong bond with his guitars - a very different relation that brings him and his guitars as one the minute he plays these strings. At that moment , the notes are thrown all over the place and they all complement each other to give out the melody he wanted to convey to his listeners - His guitars speak out what his mind is thinking - And this music embraces us in a trippy kind of way ; While listening , people start closing their eyes and go on a captivating trip - he tries stuff and tricks - he's a musical daredevil - His presumptuous melodies are an open-invitation for our imagination to dwell.It is inevitable to mention the way his facial expressions affect us and his entire body language communicates with us.
All of Vik - Patrick and Charles performed unbelievably . The way these musicians interact is remarkable and almost Flawless - Their extemporized performance calls for deep admiration.

EM Chill provided the convenient environment to enrich this experience - the sound was of great quality and the dim lights sweetened the ambiance and rendered it quite gloomy.Amadeus played on his Jem 7V WH and his Ibanez JS1200 guitars. Ones that speak his own language.Three red Candles were displayed in front of the stage reflecting the colors of the sunsets that represent a constant inspiration to him.

the following songs were the ones people recognized from the first Chapter of RAN :
-Radio Active Nightmares.
-April Skies.

As it was a supreme joy to hear them once again.

-Silent Moon
-Meteors In The Blue
-Sun Burns.
-Lightning Spell.

These were the fresh essence - the new substance of this Chapter .
Everyone reacted wonderfully to them , that by the time The last one "Meteors in The Blue" came to an end , sighs of infatuation were expressed as everyone longed for more.

After the big success of RAN I , one would expect an even higher rate of attendance for the second chapter. Surprisingly , that night , the crowd was relatively smaller - a much more intimate and personal one .Gathering close friends and selective fans along with the attendance of special guests.

This was a passionate musical ride not to be missed - Amadeus Awad has done it one more time .. It will only get better and better each time as the fierceness of his nightmares increase.Radio Active Nightmares will be back for a third chapter - These mysterious tales will beckon us again - let's follow his music that takes us to places , only our imagination would dare to, with exotic influences and sounds -on the 13th of the coming month.
See you Then.

Reviews: Amadeus Live In Radio Active Nightmares - 13th Of July

Radio Active Nightmares RAN - Chapter One
By: Rach April Minä

Tuesday July the 13th ,A time that has witnessed a performance like no other, truly one of its kind.
Introducing the first show of His launched 'Radio Active Nightmares' ,Amadeus Awad filled the air of the Quadrangle Pub with personal cosmic vibes that had put Fans , Close friends and loved ones all together under the same roof , One that is quite familiar and Dear to many
The place was packed . all excited for the awaited experience to begin , for Amadeus Awad has never failed to deliver the music people became accustomed to taste and much beyond.
Little was revealed about the event itself , What was certain was the unique blend of musical and spiritual colors and sounds
The ship had sailed around 10h15 pm and The journey had begun .. The music was improvised on stage rendering the atmosphere magical and adding this touch of unexpectation of the coming,
What was thought would be hard rock and shredding turned out to be dreamy and so psychedelic getting funky at its peaks and going back to its comfort melancholic zone.
the harmony between the band members was surreal , These selected musicians who made this night as brilliant as it was, are :
Vik Bajak On Bass Guitar.
Tony Abou Haydar On Drums.
Charles Sawma On Keyboards.
Each working his way to create this inspirational fusion with Amadeus's melodies.
The connection was felt through the outcome and most noticeably through the facial expressions drawn on their faces as they were putting their souls into their instruments.
Amadeus Awad's face speaks to us as much as his hands and magical fingers do. We can read the notes off of his face first before they reach our hearing.
The stage was decorated beautifully with his diversified set of guitars , The display of these beauties went as follows : ranging From left to right (seen in the photos available in the official group)
Ibanez Euphoria - Fender YJM Stratocaster - Ibanez JS1200 - Jem 7VWH.
The ship & The sun met as Colorful lights of flaming red were projected , prevailing this warm sensation of sunsets.
The following titles were the upshot of this mesmerizing adventure:
1 - Your Epilogue.
2 - Silent Moon'ologues.
3 – Radio Active Nightmares.
4 - Full Moon Murder.
5 - Horizontal Scan.
6 – April Skies.
7 – Anthropomorphism.
The crowd felt each and everyone of them , the interaction between them and the players was conveyed smoothly and excitingly as cheers,yells and applauds praised each note played.
The gathering was of an intimate and cozy ambiance. That itself was associated with the mood that The Quadrangle has offered , And the beautiful spirit of the attendees.
If you were there then you know exactly what I'm talking about and For the ones who had to miss the occasion, Worry not for this is only the beginning of Amadeus's Odyssey , Every 13 of each coming month up until the release of his debut album |the Poetry of Time| , an act of Radio Active Nightmares will be performed
A new chapter awaits us all, Tales of mystery waiting to be revealed in a musical saga.
The nightmares will summon us again to witness the stories they carry.
See You All on the next 13th!

Agonising Mystery

The secret Of life...
A mystery?A game?
Life itself Is an unsolved puzzle
With pieces from all over..shattered

The answer lays before Our eyes
Yet we are too foolish
Wasting the seldom sources of a smile
With superficial blurry rubbish

The secret of life..
The element of life
The essence of life
Are found in the depth of each one's inner being

Your Happiness..
is your sadness with its mask uncovered
Your answers..
are hidden in your asked questions

The secret Of life isn't a coincidence
We are a creation yet we create our own existence
You choose how you feel
You lead the path to your destiny

If the secret were a key in your possession
And life waiting behind a door
Hate&jealousy will misguide you
Free yourself from its curse
Gain victory&not the reverse
Otherwise my dear you are to blame..
(June 2008)

Ferocious Misfortune~

Over a day and a night
One's light drowns in the depth of the dark
One's reality vanishes into an illusion
One's expectation decreases through a rounded hole
One's salvation flees farther in tremendous motion

The sound of Life echoes in the Horizon
Where all hopes left are swept away
In a vicious uncontrollable storm
An inexplicable unexpected phenomenon
Where days turned into bloody traps

Choosing the wrong paths
Misfortune owning every step of the way
Like a blind slavery taring all chances down
Long lasting atrocious drama
Growing aches living pains dominating thorns

living yet from the inside there's no faking I am what I am

Paradise such a faraway utopia
Reaching the gates of heaven
Never materialistic but a spiritual condition
To be fit for the most purified
Requires an extended level of divinity...
(May 2008)

Frozen Sun Divided

As I stare in The void
At the wide Emptiness
A tear I drop Full of illness
Hits the ground like a knife
gives way so sharp deep down
like the cracks engraved in my life

Silence Speaks more than words
Fed up with that nonsense
Craving For my awaited destiny
Not Giving a damn care about my present
For I've rotten in that lame routine

Seeking That fresh beginning
A turning Point a modification
A new concept a different signification
Out of this pressure this constant depression
A perfect Solution&flawless satisfaction

Like a tight rope to my neck
This obsession is chocking me
The obligation to Succeed
That alarming Notification
Affection is what I lack

Non-melted Ice in the Burning heat of the desert
Psycho Wild Fire In the freezing Cold
Eyes drowning in tears yet not crying
Faking Breaking down simply pretending
The flame of my candle slowly fading

In this Chaotic self-conflict
An Honest embrace I seek
A push Towards a pool of pure water
To unleash me from this mind freak
To be set free from this demonic beast

Always the shoulder to weep on
Always around to put a smile
Always there I always care
Hell Yeah Its ironic& sarcastically Unfair
To face the ugly truth that its all in vain

Deeply Disappointed Profoundly wounded
From this Hypocrisy this satanic abuse
This negligence this moody manipulation
Revenge is sweet &easily applicable
Yet I'm above it all!its eventually their Loss..

I could find a thousand word
Keep On cursing And not get bored
Yet I shiver and lay helpless
Fronting this feeling seldom explicable
The sleeping Sun gone frozen and divided
Sad and mad surprisingly speechless

As I admire The palm of my hand
I observe different paths the length of my existence
Then I realize Life is too short to waste
I promise Myself To Jump At every chance I face
To make my world a better place
To forbid anyone From sabotaging my personal space
A wise Person knows how to rise....
(February 2008)